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Tourismus Organisation Serbiens


Kontakt (DE)


Montag - Freitag: 8:00 - 16:00 Uhr


Montag - Freitag: 8:30 - 13:00 Uhr

Mittwoch: 15:00 - 18:00 Uhr


Gumpendorferstrasse 83-85 ,3 Stock

1060 WIEN

Tel:  + 431 / 712-25-84 Anfahrt Konsularabteilung
Fax: + 431 / 713-25-97 Konsularbereich
E-mail: srb.emb.austria@mfa.rs  Honorarkonsuln

Web: http://www.vienna.mfa.gov.rs

Twitter: @SRBinAustria

Botschaft Tel: + 431 544-7585
Adresse Fax:+ 431 544-7595
Ölzeltgasse 3 E-mail: consulate.vienna@mfa.rs
1030 WIEN, ÖSTERREICH Web: http://www.vienna.mfa.gov.rs
Anfahrt Botschaft  

Raiffeisenlandesbank IBAN: AT45 3200 0007 1025 7426 SWIFT: RLNWATWWXXX




Wir möchten die Bürger darüber informieren, dass ab dem 01. Mai 2021 die Zahlung für alle konsularischen Dienste in der Botschaft ausschließlich mit Karten erfolgt.



Informationen zum Feiertage

Wegen des Feiertages am 30. Маi 2024 bleibt die Konsularabteilung der Botschaft der Republik Serbien für den Publikumsverkehr geschlossen

Sincere friendship between Serbia and Austria

13. Jun 2022. 

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Nikola Selaković met with Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria Alexander Schallenberg in Belgrade today.

At the press conference, Minister Selaković said that he had talked with his Austrian counterpart about the most important bilateral and international matters, and noted that their conversations were always friendly and sincere.

Minister Selaković stated that Serbia was interested in further developing a partnership with Austria. He stressed that Austria was the third largest investor in Serbian economy, and that Austrian companies employed 22,400 Serbian citizens.

Minister Selaković thanked Austria for its unambiguous support to Serbia on its European path. He added that Serbia highly appreciated the non-paper recently presented by Minister Schallenberg and the Minister for the EU and Constitution of Austria, and emphasised that it demonstrated that Austrian support to EU enlargement was not just pro forma, but a genuine commitment.

Furthermore, Minister Selaković stated that he had informed Minister Schallenberg about the Open Balkan initiative which, as he said, contributed to the improvement of the living standard in Serbia and the country’s better preparation for EU accession.

Asked to comment on the fact that Prime Minister of Greece Mitsotakis had recently said that he wanted the entire Western Balkans to be a part of EU by 2033, Minister Selaković said that Greece was one of the promoters of the integration of Southeast Europe in EU, but that this was a question that should also be posed to all other Member States.

“This is not just a question of where Serbia is, but also where EU is, and whether EU wants all Western Balkan countries as its Member States, and under which conditions”, said Minister Selaković.

Minister Selaković repeated that Serbia was committed to remaining on its European path and reforming its society, but that its path towards EU did not depend on Serbia only.

He also said that he had talked with Minister Schallenberg about the situation in the region, particularly in Kosovo and Metohija and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as about the war in Ukraine. Asked why Serbia had not joined the sanctions against Russia, Minister Selaković stated that Serbia had been a part of a country which was under international sanctions, and that these sanctions had not done anyone any good.

“From the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, we have clearly expressed our position and condemned Russia's actions, and we have said that we are strongly committed to respecting territorial integrity and sovereignty of all internationally recognised UN Member States”, said Minister Selaković. He stressed that Serbia respected the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and would always advocate for it, as Serbia’s own territorial integrity had, in his words, also been violated.

“Our national interest is our first priority. EU accession is a process that has lasted 19 years and nobody knows when it will end, and our citizens need to survive in the meantime”, concluded Minister Selaković.

Minister Schallenberg stated at the press conference that there was a strong human and cultural bridge connecting Serbia and Austria, reflected in the presence of Austrian investors in Serbia and their interest in intensifying their activities.

Relations of Serbia, Austria are on the rise

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received today outgoing Austrian Ambassador to Serbia Nikolaus Lutterotti on a farewell visit and thanked him on exceptional cooperation during the past four years and the improvement of bilateral relations in all fields.

Brnabic underlined that the relations of Serbia and Austria are on the rise and that she expects this trend to continue, noting that the recent visit of the Austrian Chancellor to Belgrade is a confirmation of that.

That visit was very important for us, Brnabic stated.

The two officials also discussed the current world topics and the continuation of Austrian investments in Serbia.

The Austrian Ambassador said that he is leaving Belgrade enriched with a significant diplomatic experience and many friends, that it was a privilege and pleasure to work in Serbia and that his country’s support has always been entirely honest and that it will remain so.

Brnabic wished Ambassador Lutterotti a lot of success in his new position and said that he is always welcome in Serbia.



Der Präsident der Republik Serbien

Die Regierung der Republik Serbien

Ministerium für auswärtige Angelegenheiten / Außenministerium